You are here: About change notifications > Subscribing to and unsubscribing from items

Subscribing to and unsubscribing from items

You can subscribe and unsubscribe to notifications for individual folders and documents.

Note    System administrators can unregister other users from receiving notifications.

To subscribe to notifications:

  1. Open the item's property page as described in Viewing and editing folder properties or Viewing and editing document properties accordingly. The item's property page appears.
  2. In the ribbon, in the Collaboration group, click Subscribe. The page refreshes to show your user name added to the Subscriber notification property and the subscribed icon appears at the top of the property page.

To unsubscribe from notifications:

  1. Open the item's property page as described in Viewing and editing folder properties or Viewing and editing document properties accordingly. The item's property page appears.
  2. In the ribbon, in the Collaboration group, click Unsubscribe.

  3. If you are a system administrator, click remove next to the user's name in the Subscriber notification property. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  4. The page refreshes to show the user name removed the Subscriber notification property and the subscribed icon at the top of the property page disappears.

Related concepts

About change notifications

Related tasks

Registering and unregistering for notification